What's New Here?

When SharePoint 2013 was launched it came with many interesting features and mobile capabilities which helped people to work in team more productively. In this, one of the feature is SharePoint Newsfeed. It is nothing but a form of social media for the enterprise people which helps users to stay in touch with their enterprise social network on SharePoint itself through tablets and mobile phones etc., by straining posts and comments on a site feed and providing the ability to take part in all the conversations which are required.

It was initially available in some precise SharePoint configurations including SharePoint Server 2013 and Office 365 SharePoint Online, Newsfeed is a new tool that lets you see what’s going on in your organization throughout the day, as well as share your own ideas, updates and observations. After this, it was introduced for iOS platforms and other mobile platforms and later they also introduced it for Windows 8.

What is SharePoint Newsfeed App in SharePoint 2013 and What Can You Do with It?

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

When SharePoint 2013 was launched it came with many interesting features and mobile capabilities which helped people to work in team more productively. In this, one of the feature is SharePoint Newsfeed. It is nothing but a form of social media for the enterprise people which helps users to stay in touch with their enterprise social network on SharePoint itself through tablets and mobile phones etc., by straining posts and comments on a site feed and providing the ability to take part in all the conversations which are required.

It was initially available in some precise SharePoint configurations including SharePoint Server 2013 and Office 365 SharePoint Online, Newsfeed is a new tool that lets you see what’s going on in your organization throughout the day, as well as share your own ideas, updates and observations. After this, it was introduced for iOS platforms and other mobile platforms and later they also introduced it for Windows 8.


Microsoft SharePoint 2013 is a new and better version of SharePoint 2010. SharePoint 2013 has better features and provide improved user experience. Today we will be discussing top 11 features of SharePoint 2013 which are improving the quality of content management.

Those features are-

#1 Drag and drop

Document library comes with drag and drop features now. Drag and drop the document on the page and it will upload with the quick progress bar.

#2 Call-up menu

In this new version, ECB menu is replaced with ‘call-up-menu’. It’s a call-out popup which displays preview of an item and actions which a user can take.

#3 Download a copy

With this feature, end users can download the copy of the document to their local. It’s a very direct and easy way to perform this task.

#4 Print to PDF

With this feature, you can convert your word doc into PDF and also directly send it for printing. This saves a lot of time of the user and simplifies the action.

#5 Follow and share feature

Now users can share their documents with other users, groups etc. with just one click. This feature is a social feature which has been introduced under SharePoint 2013. Owner can also follow the document himself in order to see its progress.

#6 Find a file

Find a file has been added to each document library which helps the user to find files within the library while working on a project. It’s a real-time search function.

#7 Assets library

The new and improved asserts library give the access to the user to upload digital asset with the out-of-box views like thumbnails and video page etc. in a very interactive way.

#8 Video page and Thumbnail

Every time a user upload a new video in asserts library, an evasion videoplayerpage.aspx gets formed in which you can view video and the metadata. This page will also create a thumbnail with which you can later upload the metadata for the video.

#9 Introduction of people

Another feature has been added to this version of SharePoint “People in videos”. Now the user can specify the people in the video as part of their company in the metadata. One can use this feature in the properties of the video.

#10 Cut and paste from word

The user can now directly copy & paste directly from the word document into any other text field as per his requirement. This feature saves lot of time of the user.

#11 Image renditions

This is one of the amazing features of SharePoint 2013, this feature helps in visualizing different sized versions of images on different pages. You can specify the width and height for all the images as per your requirement.

All the above mentioned features are just some of the prominent features of SharePoint 2013. There are so many more features which will lead the user by surprise. After understanding the whole SharePoint, we can certainly say that it’s a product made for the future.

Amazing 11 New Features of SharePoint 2013 Content Management

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

Microsoft SharePoint 2013 is a new and better version of SharePoint 2010. SharePoint 2013 has better features and provide improved user experience. Today we will be discussing top 11 features of SharePoint 2013 which are improving the quality of content management.

Those features are-

#1 Drag and drop

Document library comes with drag and drop features now. Drag and drop the document on the page and it will upload with the quick progress bar.

#2 Call-up menu

In this new version, ECB menu is replaced with ‘call-up-menu’. It’s a call-out popup which displays preview of an item and actions which a user can take.

#3 Download a copy

With this feature, end users can download the copy of the document to their local. It’s a very direct and easy way to perform this task.

#4 Print to PDF

With this feature, you can convert your word doc into PDF and also directly send it for printing. This saves a lot of time of the user and simplifies the action.

#5 Follow and share feature

Now users can share their documents with other users, groups etc. with just one click. This feature is a social feature which has been introduced under SharePoint 2013. Owner can also follow the document himself in order to see its progress.

#6 Find a file

Find a file has been added to each document library which helps the user to find files within the library while working on a project. It’s a real-time search function.

#7 Assets library

The new and improved asserts library give the access to the user to upload digital asset with the out-of-box views like thumbnails and video page etc. in a very interactive way.

#8 Video page and Thumbnail

Every time a user upload a new video in asserts library, an evasion videoplayerpage.aspx gets formed in which you can view video and the metadata. This page will also create a thumbnail with which you can later upload the metadata for the video.

#9 Introduction of people

Another feature has been added to this version of SharePoint “People in videos”. Now the user can specify the people in the video as part of their company in the metadata. One can use this feature in the properties of the video.

#10 Cut and paste from word

The user can now directly copy & paste directly from the word document into any other text field as per his requirement. This feature saves lot of time of the user.

#11 Image renditions

This is one of the amazing features of SharePoint 2013, this feature helps in visualizing different sized versions of images on different pages. You can specify the width and height for all the images as per your requirement.

All the above mentioned features are just some of the prominent features of SharePoint 2013. There are so many more features which will lead the user by surprise. After understanding the whole SharePoint, we can certainly say that it’s a product made for the future.


While implementing practical solutions as a SharePoint consultant, the need to perform duplicate checks of different lists is a very common scenario.

Here is a real world example you may come across. Your client needs two lists, one to store regional information and one to store country specific information. The regional list, along with different information pertaining to a region, will also store an acronym for that region (e.g. EMEA, APAC, etc.). Similarly, the country list also will store the country acronym (FR, RU, IN, etc.) among other relevant country information. And this acronym data will be used in many places to accomplish many business requirements.

In most cases, we can easily utilize the OOB concept to validate the uniqueness of the columns. But to validate across different lists we need to provide some customization. We can achieve this in various ways.

In this article we will handle this validation through the event handler. We are assuming that a project from a SharePoint template is already created.

As shown in the image below, firstly we’re going to add an event receiver, select the list to which the event handler needs to work , check the item added and item being updated (as we need to validate during edits as well).

Please repeat this for the regional list as well.

Now we will write our validation code in the event receiver. Let us write for the “Adding” scenario first. In this code we will check if the acronym exists in the other list, if yes, we will cancel the addition. The code will be as shown below. Please update the column names as appropriate.

public override void ItemAdding(SPItemEventProperties properties)
            properties.AfterProperties["Country_Acronym"] = ((string)(properties.AfterProperties["Country_Acronym"])).Trim();
            string newAcronym = ((string)(properties.AfterProperties["Country_Acronym "])).Trim();

            if (!CheckDuplicateAcronym(properties.List, properties.ListItemUniqueId, newAcronym, "Ctry_Acronym", "Text"))
                //check in Country Profiles list
                SPList LegalEntityProfilesList = properties.Web.Lists.TryGetList("Country Profiles");
                if (CheckDuplicateAcronym(LegalEntityProfilesList, new Guid(), newAcronym, "country", "Text"))
                    //cancel the event with error
                    properties.ErrorMessage = "Acronym already exist";
                    properties.Status = SPEventReceiverStatus.CancelWithError;

The generic duplicate checking function
public static bool CheckDuplicateAcronym(SPList List, Guid ItemId, string NewAcronym, string AcronymFieldName, string AcronymFieldType)
            bool bAcronymExists = false;
                SPQuery query = new SPQuery();
                query.Query = @"<Where>" +
                    "<Eq>" +
                    "<FieldRef Name='" + AcronymFieldName + "' />" +
                    "<Value Type='" + AcronymFieldType + "'>" + NewAcronym + "</Value>" +
                    "</Eq>" +

                SPListItemCollection items = List.GetItems(query);
                if (items != null)
                    if (items.Count > 1)
                        bAcronymExists = true;
                    else if (items.Count == 1)
                        bAcronymExists = !(items[0].UniqueId == ItemId);
                        bAcronymExists = false;
            catch { }
            return bAcronymExists;


The code is written in such a way that you can reuse this function for any list or for any field type by passing the relevant parameters. Even this function will take care of the updating scenario duplicate validation.
Next we’ll write the updating part of the code, as shown below. In the updating scenario we will pass the unique ID of the item rather than new GUID which we passed in the above adding scenario.
public override void ItemUpdating(SPItemEventProperties properties)
            properties.AfterProperties["Country_Acronym"] = ((string)(properties.AfterProperties["Country_Acronym"])).Trim();

            string newAcronym = ((string)(properties.AfterProperties["Country_Acronym"])).Trim();
            if (0 != string.Compare(newAcronym, properties.ListItem["Country_Acronym"].ToString(), true))

                if (!CheckDuplicateAcronym(properties.List, properties.ListItemUniqueId, newAcronym, "Ctry_Acronym", "Text"))
                    SPList LegalEntityProfilesList = properties.Web.Lists.TryGetList("Country Profiles");
                    if (CheckDuplicateAcronym(LegalEntityProfilesList, new Guid(), newAcronym, "country", "Text"))
                        //cancel the event with error
                        properties.ErrorMessage = "the Acronym value already exist";
                        properties.Status = SPEventReceiverStatus.CancelWithError;

                    //cancel the event with error
                    properties.ErrorMessage = "the Acronym value already exist";
                    properties.Status = SPEventReceiverStatus.CancelWithError;



That’s it! This event receiver can now be reused for duplicate validation of any number of lists.

Authored by:

Alvin Ubiera is a Microsoft SharePoint Technologist at the Houston-based business software provider, Rand Group and is a regular contributor to Dynamics 101. He hails from the sunny Dominican Republic and has varied experience in architecture, web development, and SharePoint.

List Event Handlers In SP 2013 To Perform Duplicate Check

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

While implementing practical solutions as a SharePoint consultant, the need to perform duplicate checks of different lists is a very common scenario.

Here is a real world example you may come across. Your client needs two lists, one to store regional information and one to store country specific information. The regional list, along with different information pertaining to a region, will also store an acronym for that region (e.g. EMEA, APAC, etc.). Similarly, the country list also will store the country acronym (FR, RU, IN, etc.) among other relevant country information. And this acronym data will be used in many places to accomplish many business requirements.

In most cases, we can easily utilize the OOB concept to validate the uniqueness of the columns. But to validate across different lists we need to provide some customization. We can achieve this in various ways.

In this article we will handle this validation through the event handler. We are assuming that a project from a SharePoint template is already created.

As shown in the image below, firstly we’re going to add an event receiver, select the list to which the event handler needs to work , check the item added and item being updated (as we need to validate during edits as well).

Please repeat this for the regional list as well.

Now we will write our validation code in the event receiver. Let us write for the “Adding” scenario first. In this code we will check if the acronym exists in the other list, if yes, we will cancel the addition. The code will be as shown below. Please update the column names as appropriate.

public override void ItemAdding(SPItemEventProperties properties)
            properties.AfterProperties["Country_Acronym"] = ((string)(properties.AfterProperties["Country_Acronym"])).Trim();
            string newAcronym = ((string)(properties.AfterProperties["Country_Acronym "])).Trim();

            if (!CheckDuplicateAcronym(properties.List, properties.ListItemUniqueId, newAcronym, "Ctry_Acronym", "Text"))
                //check in Country Profiles list
                SPList LegalEntityProfilesList = properties.Web.Lists.TryGetList("Country Profiles");
                if (CheckDuplicateAcronym(LegalEntityProfilesList, new Guid(), newAcronym, "country", "Text"))
                    //cancel the event with error
                    properties.ErrorMessage = "Acronym already exist";
                    properties.Status = SPEventReceiverStatus.CancelWithError;

The generic duplicate checking function
public static bool CheckDuplicateAcronym(SPList List, Guid ItemId, string NewAcronym, string AcronymFieldName, string AcronymFieldType)
            bool bAcronymExists = false;
                SPQuery query = new SPQuery();
                query.Query = @"<Where>" +
                    "<Eq>" +
                    "<FieldRef Name='" + AcronymFieldName + "' />" +
                    "<Value Type='" + AcronymFieldType + "'>" + NewAcronym + "</Value>" +
                    "</Eq>" +

                SPListItemCollection items = List.GetItems(query);
                if (items != null)
                    if (items.Count > 1)
                        bAcronymExists = true;
                    else if (items.Count == 1)
                        bAcronymExists = !(items[0].UniqueId == ItemId);
                        bAcronymExists = false;
            catch { }
            return bAcronymExists;


The code is written in such a way that you can reuse this function for any list or for any field type by passing the relevant parameters. Even this function will take care of the updating scenario duplicate validation.
Next we’ll write the updating part of the code, as shown below. In the updating scenario we will pass the unique ID of the item rather than new GUID which we passed in the above adding scenario.
public override void ItemUpdating(SPItemEventProperties properties)
            properties.AfterProperties["Country_Acronym"] = ((string)(properties.AfterProperties["Country_Acronym"])).Trim();

            string newAcronym = ((string)(properties.AfterProperties["Country_Acronym"])).Trim();
            if (0 != string.Compare(newAcronym, properties.ListItem["Country_Acronym"].ToString(), true))

                if (!CheckDuplicateAcronym(properties.List, properties.ListItemUniqueId, newAcronym, "Ctry_Acronym", "Text"))
                    SPList LegalEntityProfilesList = properties.Web.Lists.TryGetList("Country Profiles");
                    if (CheckDuplicateAcronym(LegalEntityProfilesList, new Guid(), newAcronym, "country", "Text"))
                        //cancel the event with error
                        properties.ErrorMessage = "the Acronym value already exist";
                        properties.Status = SPEventReceiverStatus.CancelWithError;

                    //cancel the event with error
                    properties.ErrorMessage = "the Acronym value already exist";
                    properties.Status = SPEventReceiverStatus.CancelWithError;



That’s it! This event receiver can now be reused for duplicate validation of any number of lists.

Authored by:

Alvin Ubiera is a Microsoft SharePoint Technologist at the Houston-based business software provider, Rand Group and is a regular contributor to Dynamics 101. He hails from the sunny Dominican Republic and has varied experience in architecture, web development, and SharePoint.


Public facing websites are not password-protected or in other words are not blocked from the general Internet. It is freely accessible by all internet users. It has all the information about the company's business, their products and services, contact information, company history and even may have links to other related web sites of their company. It is an information source about a company for its customers and its partners.

Microsoft is still claiming SharePoint Server as the fastest growing product in company history; they have claimed there are so many fortune 500 companies that have built their public facing websites on SharePoint. SharePoint usage is widely spread due to its complex collaboration structure and its flexibility. From enterprise search, enterprise content management (ECM), Business Process Management, business intelligence, records management, archiving, Intranet/Extranet, file sharing to public-facing websites etc. list of few companies using SharePoint for public facing websites are – ConocoPhillips, Procter & Gamble, Kroger, Valero Energy, Dell, Kraft Foods, Viacom, and more.

Significance of Using SharePoint for Public Facing Websites

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

Public facing websites are not password-protected or in other words are not blocked from the general Internet. It is freely accessible by all internet users. It has all the information about the company's business, their products and services, contact information, company history and even may have links to other related web sites of their company. It is an information source about a company for its customers and its partners.

Microsoft is still claiming SharePoint Server as the fastest growing product in company history; they have claimed there are so many fortune 500 companies that have built their public facing websites on SharePoint. SharePoint usage is widely spread due to its complex collaboration structure and its flexibility. From enterprise search, enterprise content management (ECM), Business Process Management, business intelligence, records management, archiving, Intranet/Extranet, file sharing to public-facing websites etc. list of few companies using SharePoint for public facing websites are – ConocoPhillips, Procter & Gamble, Kroger, Valero Energy, Dell, Kraft Foods, Viacom, and more.


We all agree that Microsoft SharePoint 2013 is awesome and it is offering all these new features to developers and enterprises. A particular feature which everybody is really excited about is “Community Sites”.

What is Community site?

With this feature the user can create communities to discuss anything related to SharePoint 2013 or otherwise. The user can also invite other people to be a part of this community. There is a point as well as badges system for the users who reply and post on the threads. The user can configure this feature only on the live site.

Some of the best practices which the user must adopt while creating a community sites are-

SharePoint 2013 Community Site Creation Best Practices

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

We all agree that Microsoft SharePoint 2013 is awesome and it is offering all these new features to developers and enterprises. A particular feature which everybody is really excited about is “Community Sites”.

What is Community site?

With this feature the user can create communities to discuss anything related to SharePoint 2013 or otherwise. The user can also invite other people to be a part of this community. There is a point as well as badges system for the users who reply and post on the threads. The user can configure this feature only on the live site.

Some of the best practices which the user must adopt while creating a community sites are-


Microsoft has big plans to move towards SaaS (software-as-a-service) model. The latest version of Microsoft SharePoint 2013 has seen many improvement in comparison to 2010 version of SharePoint. Microsoft is in the progression of emerging a model which allows users to have an
instant access of SharePoint.

Over a period of time, Microsoft is able to understand what their customers expect from them. Keeping the need of the market in mind, they have launched SharePoint 2013. This version allows user to create, translate and manage domain-specific content from various online sources from intranet and internet.

App Development Models of SharePoint 2013

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

Microsoft has big plans to move towards SaaS (software-as-a-service) model. The latest version of Microsoft SharePoint 2013 has seen many improvement in comparison to 2010 version of SharePoint. Microsoft is in the progression of emerging a model which allows users to have an
instant access of SharePoint.

Over a period of time, Microsoft is able to understand what their customers expect from them. Keeping the need of the market in mind, they have launched SharePoint 2013. This version allows user to create, translate and manage domain-specific content from various online sources from intranet and internet.


SharePoint developers and consultants get this requirement from clients related to list forms all too often. A client needs the default list form fields but in a different order, and maybe with some minimal business logic. For example, let us assume there are 6 columns/fields in the list. For normal users in new form/edit forms all the fields will be in editable mode. But for managers suppose you don’t want field 4 and 5 to be enabled?

Going by the most widely used practices this can be achieved three different ways:

How to Customise SharePoint List Forms in Visual Studio to Use One's Own Code

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

SharePoint developers and consultants get this requirement from clients related to list forms all too often. A client needs the default list form fields but in a different order, and maybe with some minimal business logic. For example, let us assume there are 6 columns/fields in the list. For normal users in new form/edit forms all the fields will be in editable mode. But for managers suppose you don’t want field 4 and 5 to be enabled?

Going by the most widely used practices this can be achieved three different ways:


The previous versions of Microsoft SharePoint were launched so that they could expedite content search via content web query, however there was a constraint to it as searches could not be found on site collections. Now the latest version, SharePoint 2013 by using third party connectors can easily index site content from various sources such as websites, file shares, lotus notes. SharePoint 2013 has been developed by Microsoft to build up a single warehouse or source of index. It provides single enterprise search center experience to the user preventing need to visit different applications to search similar information and hence saves time.Nowadays there is demand for enterprise application development as it helps various organizations to run a smooth setup.

Significance of SharePoint 2013 in Providing Organization 2.0

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

The previous versions of Microsoft SharePoint were launched so that they could expedite content search via content web query, however there was a constraint to it as searches could not be found on site collections. Now the latest version, SharePoint 2013 by using third party connectors can easily index site content from various sources such as websites, file shares, lotus notes. SharePoint 2013 has been developed by Microsoft to build up a single warehouse or source of index. It provides single enterprise search center experience to the user preventing need to visit different applications to search similar information and hence saves time.Nowadays there is demand for enterprise application development as it helps various organizations to run a smooth setup.


And yet again, we have a Guest blogger on our blog - All About SharePoint. Today's blogger is - Mansi Khurana and she is a technical writer with more than 3 years of experience. She has written various articles on SharePoint database recovery software and various other technologies. And Today's Topic is - Feature Enhancements and Improvements in SharePoint 2013.

Rapid SharePoint adoption accentuates the requirement of improvements and enhancements. Microsoft has added many new features and improved the existing ones in SharePoint 2013, let's read on to know.

Business Connectivity Services

Enhancements in Business Connectivity Services enable Office 2013 and SharePoint 2013 clients to get access to the data stored outside of the SharePoint environment, which is possible because of the support for OData. The SharePoint 2013 event listener features an event subscriber that enables custom code and SharePoint users to get notified when events occur in external storage system. SharePoint 2013 also supports apps that are designed for SharePoint. This support allows you to add relevant apps that do not affect the code of the system on which SharePoint server is running, resulting in enhanced security and easy installation and un-installation. Moreover, external list improvements enable users to sort, filter, or export other SharePoint lists.

Feature Enhancements and Improvements in SharePoint 2013

Posted by Sophina Dillard 1 comment

And yet again, we have a Guest blogger on our blog - All About SharePoint. Today's blogger is - Mansi Khurana and she is a technical writer with more than 3 years of experience. She has written various articles on SharePoint database recovery software and various other technologies. And Today's Topic is - Feature Enhancements and Improvements in SharePoint 2013.

Rapid SharePoint adoption accentuates the requirement of improvements and enhancements. Microsoft has added many new features and improved the existing ones in SharePoint 2013, let's read on to know.

Business Connectivity Services

Enhancements in Business Connectivity Services enable Office 2013 and SharePoint 2013 clients to get access to the data stored outside of the SharePoint environment, which is possible because of the support for OData. The SharePoint 2013 event listener features an event subscriber that enables custom code and SharePoint users to get notified when events occur in external storage system. SharePoint 2013 also supports apps that are designed for SharePoint. This support allows you to add relevant apps that do not affect the code of the system on which SharePoint server is running, resulting in enhanced security and easy installation and un-installation. Moreover, external list improvements enable users to sort, filter, or export other SharePoint lists.


Microsoft recently featured its new SharePoint 2013 which says that it is the new and improved way to work altogether. It stuffed with simplified user experience helping users to organize, sync, and share all their content. Also, with the feature like social sharing, users can share their ideas and work with one simple click.

Currently, there are more than 4000 associates and around 135,000 people who work on Share Point solution to provide solutions. This is why; people were so eagerly waiting for the SharePoint 2013. Everyone in the tech town is quite excited about this release. SharePoint Application Development is becoming more and more popular these days.

Microsoft moving to the cloud is the most interesting part. Now, most of the businesses are shifting towards Office 365 got to ensure that they experience increased efficiency, better websites and a higher customer reach, which ultimately propel the company to the desired heights.

SharePoint 2013 At A Glance

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

Microsoft recently featured its new SharePoint 2013 which says that it is the new and improved way to work altogether. It stuffed with simplified user experience helping users to organize, sync, and share all their content. Also, with the feature like social sharing, users can share their ideas and work with one simple click.

Currently, there are more than 4000 associates and around 135,000 people who work on Share Point solution to provide solutions. This is why; people were so eagerly waiting for the SharePoint 2013. Everyone in the tech town is quite excited about this release. SharePoint Application Development is becoming more and more popular these days.

Microsoft moving to the cloud is the most interesting part. Now, most of the businesses are shifting towards Office 365 got to ensure that they experience increased efficiency, better websites and a higher customer reach, which ultimately propel the company to the desired heights.


Today blog is discussed by our guest blogger Alvin Ubiera. And it’s about JavaScript client-side object model (CSOM). It’s majorly focused on the basic operations and technologies of it. I find it quite an informative piece; so here I am sharing it with you all hope you find it interesting too.

In this article we will focus on using JavaScript client-side object model (CSOM) on a SharePoint 2013 Farm solution to do a basic operation (reading list data, and displaying it asynchronously in a web part).

The JavaScript CSOM was added to SharePoint 2010 . We will use it in a similar way in SharePoint 2013. If you have used this in SharePoint 2010 it will be similar concept for you.  For users who are new to this concept please review the MSDN blog and library (as mentioned below).

Using JavaScript and jQuery in SharePoint 2013

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

Today blog is discussed by our guest blogger Alvin Ubiera. And it’s about JavaScript client-side object model (CSOM). It’s majorly focused on the basic operations and technologies of it. I find it quite an informative piece; so here I am sharing it with you all hope you find it interesting too.

In this article we will focus on using JavaScript client-side object model (CSOM) on a SharePoint 2013 Farm solution to do a basic operation (reading list data, and displaying it asynchronously in a web part).

The JavaScript CSOM was added to SharePoint 2010 . We will use it in a similar way in SharePoint 2013. If you have used this in SharePoint 2010 it will be similar concept for you.  For users who are new to this concept please review the MSDN blog and library (as mentioned below).


In Today's I have decided to talk about a very general topic of SharePoint i.e. What SharePoint is all about and how it works etc. It will beneficial for who are looking for the basic information about. I would really appreciate if you could all suggest your views and thought over this topic. You can ask question and even give answers in order to keep the post alive and communicative. I would really appreciate the efforts. Nevertheless let's begin with today's post. 

Managing those data and critical information sometimes create chaos in an organization. Those digital data and web pages are sometimes difficult to manage even using those external portals, and other automated tools. Then how to get rid of it? With the demand of advanced computer technology and complexities it’s important to look for a solution which can handle such situations.

SharePoint: What is this, Its Feature Areas and How it Works?

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

In Today's I have decided to talk about a very general topic of SharePoint i.e. What SharePoint is all about and how it works etc. It will beneficial for who are looking for the basic information about. I would really appreciate if you could all suggest your views and thought over this topic. You can ask question and even give answers in order to keep the post alive and communicative. I would really appreciate the efforts. Nevertheless let's begin with today's post. 

Managing those data and critical information sometimes create chaos in an organization. Those digital data and web pages are sometimes difficult to manage even using those external portals, and other automated tools. Then how to get rid of it? With the demand of advanced computer technology and complexities it’s important to look for a solution which can handle such situations.


There are many questions that arises whenever a new version is launched in the market. The first and the foremost question is “How it’s going to be beneficial for our business?”

Whenever you spend your hard earned money on anything, whether on development or even on an object it should justify that expenditure. So, let’s compare both of them that how its going to affect our enterprise platforms.

Main Highpoints

• If we look from a document collaboration point of view, the structures of both versions are the same.
• The most noteworthy improvements in document management are in the user experience like drag and drop to upload any document and the facility to edit the managed metadata in a datasheet view.
• The primary differences are in the social experiences, especially with discussion boards. The 2013 discussion board, it’s more and less like Facebook activity stream.
• Other significant change is in searching capabilities.


1. Document collaboration: In 2010, it supports for enterprise content types and shared metadata so that attributes and structures can be maintained in one place and shared across the enterprise. Whereas in 2013, there is no difference as such in organizing the content but it have the drag and drop feature extra in it.

2. Searching: In 2013, it provides significant improvements in user experience. Visual display of contents as you hover in search results. It remember the searches that you have searched and show the documents that are already searched. Whereas in 2010, there is comprehensive enterprise search with the Boolean operators to create search queries.

3. Social computing: Where 2010 has limited capabilities, 2013 provides a wide range of Facebook like activity stream that allows you to post, reply and communicate easily with your colleagues and office mates.

4. Communities of Practice: In 2010, it must configure “out of the box” template to align with community objectives. And it have simplistic discussion list. Whereas, 2013 gives ability to categorize the conversations by topic and an image aligned to it. New “Community” site template is completely focused on conversations.

5. Workflow: In 2010, it has several “built in” workflows with additional options available in SharePoint Designer. Whereas in 2013, it has significant enhancements, including new ways to create and visualize workflows.

6. Collaborating with others outside the workgroup on individual documents: In 2010, it is difficult to do if a person (not on the team) doesn’t have the access to the team site. Only owner can grant permissions. Whereas in 2013, you have a share option which let you able to pass a piece of information to the other teams easily without interrupting the content or data. In this, users who request access to a site have an opportunity to explain why they need access so that site owners can make better decisions about whether or not to grant access.

7. Mobile Access: In 2010, there was mobile sites available but it was not accessible for different mobile devices. In 2013, they solved this problem and optimized it for different mobiles by having mobile application development in this version .

Additionally, SharePoint 2013 also provides cloud services to the user.

At the end, I would like to conclude, there are many software, applications and services available in the market, it’s you who have to look at the advantages in using these services if it gives you positive results and chances of progression upgrading is not a bad idea! Many of the companies have already switched over this version, and there are many companies who are not in this favor. So better seek a consult with experts and make one decision!

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SharePoint 2013 – How it is different from SharePoint 2010?

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

There are many questions that arises whenever a new version is launched in the market. The first and the foremost question is “How it’s going to be beneficial for our business?”

Whenever you spend your hard earned money on anything, whether on development or even on an object it should justify that expenditure. So, let’s compare both of them that how its going to affect our enterprise platforms.

Main Highpoints

• If we look from a document collaboration point of view, the structures of both versions are the same.
• The most noteworthy improvements in document management are in the user experience like drag and drop to upload any document and the facility to edit the managed metadata in a datasheet view.
• The primary differences are in the social experiences, especially with discussion boards. The 2013 discussion board, it’s more and less like Facebook activity stream.
• Other significant change is in searching capabilities.


1. Document collaboration: In 2010, it supports for enterprise content types and shared metadata so that attributes and structures can be maintained in one place and shared across the enterprise. Whereas in 2013, there is no difference as such in organizing the content but it have the drag and drop feature extra in it.

2. Searching: In 2013, it provides significant improvements in user experience. Visual display of contents as you hover in search results. It remember the searches that you have searched and show the documents that are already searched. Whereas in 2010, there is comprehensive enterprise search with the Boolean operators to create search queries.

3. Social computing: Where 2010 has limited capabilities, 2013 provides a wide range of Facebook like activity stream that allows you to post, reply and communicate easily with your colleagues and office mates.

4. Communities of Practice: In 2010, it must configure “out of the box” template to align with community objectives. And it have simplistic discussion list. Whereas, 2013 gives ability to categorize the conversations by topic and an image aligned to it. New “Community” site template is completely focused on conversations.

5. Workflow: In 2010, it has several “built in” workflows with additional options available in SharePoint Designer. Whereas in 2013, it has significant enhancements, including new ways to create and visualize workflows.

6. Collaborating with others outside the workgroup on individual documents: In 2010, it is difficult to do if a person (not on the team) doesn’t have the access to the team site. Only owner can grant permissions. Whereas in 2013, you have a share option which let you able to pass a piece of information to the other teams easily without interrupting the content or data. In this, users who request access to a site have an opportunity to explain why they need access so that site owners can make better decisions about whether or not to grant access.

7. Mobile Access: In 2010, there was mobile sites available but it was not accessible for different mobile devices. In 2013, they solved this problem and optimized it for different mobiles by having mobile application development in this version .

Additionally, SharePoint 2013 also provides cloud services to the user.

At the end, I would like to conclude, there are many software, applications and services available in the market, it’s you who have to look at the advantages in using these services if it gives you positive results and chances of progression upgrading is not a bad idea! Many of the companies have already switched over this version, and there are many companies who are not in this favor. So better seek a consult with experts and make one decision!

To explore more -


Today's topic is discussed by our guest blogger, D R Sampath. He has written various articles related to technology and on software industry. Today he would like to tell us about SharePoint development and what all factors are responsible for its better growth and development. Lets read what he want to share with us - 

Several factors are responsible for making a business productive, successful and efficient. For successful achievement of the project goals and well-timed delivery of solutions, a concerned team needs to work strongly on each aspect. They need to make an effective collaborative or communication system with the aim to maintain the complete panel updated about every improvement according to the current market scenario and business needs. For this purpose, most of the organizations are looking to hire SharePoint 2010 development services of a professional body. Moreover, they want to use latest technologies and methods to make a business process more effective.

Professional developers are always ready to adopt essential changes in technology, trends, requirements, development methods, and business models. Usually, they need to communicate at every step and keep updated about modifications. Better co-ordination among team members can make a project work successful and generate better ROI (Return on Investment) for their clients. Expert developers or designers of a top IT company have knowledge and capability in creating different SharePoint solutions like interactive rich internet apps, intranet solutions, student management portal, HR solutions, extranet solutions, vendor management portal, enterprise content management solutions, distant learning solutions, data migration solutions, custom solution and many more.

SharePoint 2010 development framework provides a single web-based platform and a collaborative work team environment to the users. As well as, with built-in search capabilities, it helps users to find valuable data or information more successfully compared to the traditional file sharing system. Using feature-rich SharePoint 2010 version, many IT companies are offering excellent SharePoint software development services and a reliable platform to the business people.

Nowadays, most of the small and big organizations are relying on highly secure, cost-effective, customized and scalable SharePoint solutions for optimum business performance. Indeed, SharePoint services and solutions ensure the better ROI with a great user experience. It offers a lot of possibilities and opportunities for a successful industrial process. Using this platform, users can easily manage content or data throughout the information life cycle. On the other hand, it allows business organizations to quickly respond to varying market condition as well as customer needs by building data-driven decisions and deploying customized solutions securely and fast.

Besides, it is very important for you to hire an experienced and professional SharePoint development company for top-quality business results by increasing profits. A top IT company has a team of skilled and highly qualified developers to build secure, robust and exclusive applications. They have a vast knowledge of all critical technologies (Silverlight, Dot Net, SQL Server, DirectX(r) and so on), innovative development methods and utilization of different SharePoint versions. Using latest SharePoint version, most of the IT companies have become successful by creating best possible business results and revenue for different clients.

Using SharePoint 2010 Development Services for Better ROI

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

Today's topic is discussed by our guest blogger, D R Sampath. He has written various articles related to technology and on software industry. Today he would like to tell us about SharePoint development and what all factors are responsible for its better growth and development. Lets read what he want to share with us - 

Several factors are responsible for making a business productive, successful and efficient. For successful achievement of the project goals and well-timed delivery of solutions, a concerned team needs to work strongly on each aspect. They need to make an effective collaborative or communication system with the aim to maintain the complete panel updated about every improvement according to the current market scenario and business needs. For this purpose, most of the organizations are looking to hire SharePoint 2010 development services of a professional body. Moreover, they want to use latest technologies and methods to make a business process more effective.

Professional developers are always ready to adopt essential changes in technology, trends, requirements, development methods, and business models. Usually, they need to communicate at every step and keep updated about modifications. Better co-ordination among team members can make a project work successful and generate better ROI (Return on Investment) for their clients. Expert developers or designers of a top IT company have knowledge and capability in creating different SharePoint solutions like interactive rich internet apps, intranet solutions, student management portal, HR solutions, extranet solutions, vendor management portal, enterprise content management solutions, distant learning solutions, data migration solutions, custom solution and many more.

SharePoint 2010 development framework provides a single web-based platform and a collaborative work team environment to the users. As well as, with built-in search capabilities, it helps users to find valuable data or information more successfully compared to the traditional file sharing system. Using feature-rich SharePoint 2010 version, many IT companies are offering excellent SharePoint software development services and a reliable platform to the business people.

Nowadays, most of the small and big organizations are relying on highly secure, cost-effective, customized and scalable SharePoint solutions for optimum business performance. Indeed, SharePoint services and solutions ensure the better ROI with a great user experience. It offers a lot of possibilities and opportunities for a successful industrial process. Using this platform, users can easily manage content or data throughout the information life cycle. On the other hand, it allows business organizations to quickly respond to varying market condition as well as customer needs by building data-driven decisions and deploying customized solutions securely and fast.

Besides, it is very important for you to hire an experienced and professional SharePoint development company for top-quality business results by increasing profits. A top IT company has a team of skilled and highly qualified developers to build secure, robust and exclusive applications. They have a vast knowledge of all critical technologies (Silverlight, Dot Net, SQL Server, DirectX(r) and so on), innovative development methods and utilization of different SharePoint versions. Using latest SharePoint version, most of the IT companies have become successful by creating best possible business results and revenue for different clients.


In the previous writing I shared about, How to manageMicrosoft SharePoint efficiently: Tips for IT managers. Today let’s talk about some tips and tricks that can be used for successful SharePoint deployments. Keep note, these tips are in no priority sequence –

1. Get Office 365: Using Office 365, it makes SharePoint far more reasonable and easy to implement and from this, you will have the great impression on all the smaller organizations.

2. The functionality: It starts with great functional analysis with the help of content management system, collaboration, search, business intelligence and portals that can represent all the mission-critical areas of effectiveness. It can assess each area for the functional fit within your organization.

3. Budgets should match the designed strategies: we all know putting money for resources, staff, later their trainings and change in management should match the goals of the organization that has set for its SharePoint environment.

4. Look for similar existing investments and be ready to streamline your portfolio accordingly: In this, it needs a standby or simultaneous strategy with the existing systems or a decision not to use SharePoint for any given workloads.

5. Be prepared for a period where you can have a little confusion: Yes, it’s true that it can lead to a chaos or confusion. User-generated content and user-developed applications will each provide some challenges but it will ultimately help the organizations to understand the greater value from SharePoint.

6. You have to support SharePoint and with its third-party add-ons: In this, SharePoint has some areas of very strong functionality and some areas where Microsoft's partner ecosystem must fill these cavities.

7. Don’t aim for any early moves but better understand the system: First implement these high-value workloads and establish operational stability and later you can move to any risky applications.

8. Integration is important and it should be done at a right time: The success of your IW completely depends on significant integration with those external line-of-business applications i.e. (AD&D) etc. for the data and other processes.

9. Customized development at first: Custom-made applications or codes are important and it should be designed in an environment which is under thorough and controlled style that does not compromise over workloads.

10. Deploy workloads only when you have the right skills to retain them: If you don't have the right resources to handle any particular workload, postponed it until you can do it correctly.

I hope these tips would help you for better working and functioning. Next time I share something interesting or some news regarding SharePoint. Till then make your system work flawless and smoothly. Adios!

10 important SharePoint tips that you can pin on a board

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

In the previous writing I shared about, How to manageMicrosoft SharePoint efficiently: Tips for IT managers. Today let’s talk about some tips and tricks that can be used for successful SharePoint deployments. Keep note, these tips are in no priority sequence –

1. Get Office 365: Using Office 365, it makes SharePoint far more reasonable and easy to implement and from this, you will have the great impression on all the smaller organizations.

2. The functionality: It starts with great functional analysis with the help of content management system, collaboration, search, business intelligence and portals that can represent all the mission-critical areas of effectiveness. It can assess each area for the functional fit within your organization.

3. Budgets should match the designed strategies: we all know putting money for resources, staff, later their trainings and change in management should match the goals of the organization that has set for its SharePoint environment.

4. Look for similar existing investments and be ready to streamline your portfolio accordingly: In this, it needs a standby or simultaneous strategy with the existing systems or a decision not to use SharePoint for any given workloads.

5. Be prepared for a period where you can have a little confusion: Yes, it’s true that it can lead to a chaos or confusion. User-generated content and user-developed applications will each provide some challenges but it will ultimately help the organizations to understand the greater value from SharePoint.

6. You have to support SharePoint and with its third-party add-ons: In this, SharePoint has some areas of very strong functionality and some areas where Microsoft's partner ecosystem must fill these cavities.

7. Don’t aim for any early moves but better understand the system: First implement these high-value workloads and establish operational stability and later you can move to any risky applications.

8. Integration is important and it should be done at a right time: The success of your IW completely depends on significant integration with those external line-of-business applications i.e. (AD&D) etc. for the data and other processes.

9. Customized development at first: Custom-made applications or codes are important and it should be designed in an environment which is under thorough and controlled style that does not compromise over workloads.

10. Deploy workloads only when you have the right skills to retain them: If you don't have the right resources to handle any particular workload, postponed it until you can do it correctly.

I hope these tips would help you for better working and functioning. Next time I share something interesting or some news regarding SharePoint. Till then make your system work flawless and smoothly. Adios!


SharePoint helps you to collaborate, share documents, construct internal and external websites of any enterprise platform and the most importantly ensures the ideal communication within the organization using it. While there are so many free and low cost tools and applications available in the market – such as Google Apps, Box.net and Hyper Office etc. Microsoft’s Share Point offers the improved security, feature set, advanced user interface and integration with Microsoft Office that is quite essential tool for many organization functional needs.

For small businesses, who want the familiarity of Microsoft can check out Microsoft Office 365. Still there are some points or tips that need to be considered for the optimal use of SharePoint in a company. They are:

1. Proper Planning: Planning is really important to take the further steps. It is important for better performance, delivering results and authentication etc. After deployment, it is most important step for building and maintaining SharePoint 2010.  It becomes misleadingly and complex when there is a lack of planning in the initial stages as well as in the long term planning which can cause pain points.

2.  Use site quota: It is one of the most underused features in SharePoint yet it is critical to maintain it for the proper functioning environment. It gives you an opportunity to ask the right set of queries in order to keep the content stored in SharePoint organized and new, while maintaining a supportable database. 

3.  Recycle bins consumed space outside the site: In this point, it has 2 categories for the recycle bins. In the first stage, it is used by user-recoverable contents; this uses space against the site collection quota. In the second one, it is used by the site collection administrator and/support staff to recover the content that may have been deleted and/or expired from the first stage recycle bin.

4. Understand its limitations: No doubt, it is extremely scalable and flexible depending on the deployment architecture, but it does have limitations. It comes with guidelines around limits and boundaries for SharePoint. A good rule of thumb is to stay within 50% of Microsoft’s suggested limits and boundaries.

5. Sizing Issues: When it comes to sizing disputes, then the consumed space and resources are need to be taken under consideration in the SharePoint environment. Especially for Searching, User Profiles allocation, Web Analytics and Usage and Health Services etc.

These are just few main pain-points that you face at downtime. If you follow these basic tips it will definitely ensure you to have low downtime and inactivity and will require minimal administrative resources for better performance.

How to manage Microsoft SharePoint efficiently: Tips for IT managers

Posted by Sophina Dillard No comments

SharePoint helps you to collaborate, share documents, construct internal and external websites of any enterprise platform and the most importantly ensures the ideal communication within the organization using it. While there are so many free and low cost tools and applications available in the market – such as Google Apps, Box.net and Hyper Office etc. Microsoft’s Share Point offers the improved security, feature set, advanced user interface and integration with Microsoft Office that is quite essential tool for many organization functional needs.

For small businesses, who want the familiarity of Microsoft can check out Microsoft Office 365. Still there are some points or tips that need to be considered for the optimal use of SharePoint in a company. They are:

1. Proper Planning: Planning is really important to take the further steps. It is important for better performance, delivering results and authentication etc. After deployment, it is most important step for building and maintaining SharePoint 2010.  It becomes misleadingly and complex when there is a lack of planning in the initial stages as well as in the long term planning which can cause pain points.

2.  Use site quota: It is one of the most underused features in SharePoint yet it is critical to maintain it for the proper functioning environment. It gives you an opportunity to ask the right set of queries in order to keep the content stored in SharePoint organized and new, while maintaining a supportable database. 

3.  Recycle bins consumed space outside the site: In this point, it has 2 categories for the recycle bins. In the first stage, it is used by user-recoverable contents; this uses space against the site collection quota. In the second one, it is used by the site collection administrator and/support staff to recover the content that may have been deleted and/or expired from the first stage recycle bin.

4. Understand its limitations: No doubt, it is extremely scalable and flexible depending on the deployment architecture, but it does have limitations. It comes with guidelines around limits and boundaries for SharePoint. A good rule of thumb is to stay within 50% of Microsoft’s suggested limits and boundaries.

5. Sizing Issues: When it comes to sizing disputes, then the consumed space and resources are need to be taken under consideration in the SharePoint environment. Especially for Searching, User Profiles allocation, Web Analytics and Usage and Health Services etc.

These are just few main pain-points that you face at downtime. If you follow these basic tips it will definitely ensure you to have low downtime and inactivity and will require minimal administrative resources for better performance.


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